3.2 Formats for COUNTER Reports
COUNTER Reports and Standard Views of the COUNTER Reports MUST be delivered in machine-readable form (JSON) via the COUNTER API (formerly sushi) and in tabular form as .tsv files. The tabular form MUST be provided as either an Excel or a tab-separated-value (TSV) file, or both. Additional file formats that can be easily imported into spreadsheet programs without loss or corruption may be offered at the vendor’s discretion. The reports in JSON, TSV and other text formats MUST be encoded using UTF-8. The JSON format MUST comply with the COUNTER API Specification (see Section 8 below).
Except where otherwise specified, the remainder of this section uses COUNTER Reports to refer to both the four COUNTER Reports and the Standard Views of the COUNTER Reports.
All COUNTER Reports have the same layout and structure. Figure 3.b (below) provides an example of the Title Report. Figure 3.c (below) shows the layout for tabular reports, which will be the focus of the discussions throughout this document. Note that the COUNTER API Specification includes the same elements with the same or similar names; therefore, understanding the tabular reports translates to an understanding of what is REQUIRED in reports retrieved via the COUNTER API.

Figure 3.b: Sample Title Report

Figure 3.c: Layout for Tabular COUNTER Reports
All COUNTER Reports have a header. In tabular reports, the header is separated from the body with a blank row (to facilitate sorting and filtering in Excel). Beneath that is the body of the report with column headings. The contents of the body will vary by report. Figure 3.c (above) identifies the different kinds of information you may find in the report and the relative positioning of this information. All of this is discussed in more detail below.
3.2.1 Report Header
The first 13 rows of a tabular COUNTER Report contain the header, and the 14th row is always blank. The header information is presented as a series of name-value pairs, with the names appearing in Column A and the corresponding values appearing in Column B. All tabular COUNTER reports have the same names in Column A. Column B entries will vary by report.

Figure 3.d: Common Report Header Information
Figure 3.d (above) shows the layout of the common header. The 13 elements in Column A and the values in Column B are discussed in more detail in the table below. Note that the element names (Column A) MUST appear in the COUNTER report exactly as they are shown here. Capitalization, spelling, and punctuation MUST match exactly.
Table 3.f (below): COUNTER Report Header Elements
Element Name |
Description of value to provide |
Example |
Report_Name |
The name of the report as it appears in Section 3.1. |
Journal Requests (Controlled) |
Report_ID |
The unique identifier for the report as it appears in Section 3.1. |
TR_J1 |
Release |
The COUNTER release this report complies with. |
5 |
Institution_Name |
The name of the organization to which the usage is attributed. This can be a higher education institution, or for example a country for a country-wide contract, or a publisher if an aggregator or discovery service wants to report usage of a publisher’s content to the publisher. Where reports show content usage that cannot be attributed to an institution, the Institution_Name should be “The World”. Note that such a report would include all global usage, whether attributed to institutions or not, but it could be filtered and broken down as usual, including by using Attributed and other extensions (see Section 11.5). |
Mt. Laurel University |
Institution_ID |
A series of identifiers that represent the institution, in tabular reports in the format of {namespace}:{value}. Include multiple identifiers separated with a semicolon-space (“; ”), but only one value per namespace. In JSON reports multiple values per namespace can be included. Permitted identifier namespaces are ISIL, ISNI, OCLC, ROR and, for local identifiers assigned by the report provider, the platform ID of the report provider. The customer ID used for requesting the report MUST be included, usually with the platform ID as namespace. For reports to “The World”, Institution_ID should be 0000000000000000, with the platform ID as namespace. |
ISNI:0000000419369078; ROR:00hx57361; pubsiteA:PrncU |
Metric_Types |
A semicolon-space delimited list of Metric_Types requested for this report. Note that even though a Metric_Type was requested, it might not be included in the body of the report if no report items had usage of that type. |
Unique_Item_Investigations; Unique_Item_Requests |
Report_Filters |
A series of zero or more report filters applied on the reported usage, excluding Metric_Type, Begin_Date and End_Date (which appear in separate rows in the tabular reports for easier reading). Typically, a report filter affects the amount of usage reported. Entries appear in the form of {filter name}={filter value} with multiple filter name-value pairs separated with a semicolon-space (“; ”) and multiple filter values for a single filter name separated by the vertical pipe (“|”) character. |
Access_Type=Controlled; Access_Method=Regular |
Report_Attributes |
A series of zero or more report attributes applied to the report. Typically, a report attribute affects how the usage is presented but does not change the totals. Entries appear in the form of {attribute name}={attribute value} with multiple attribute name-value pairs separated with a semicolon-space (“; ”) and multiple attribute values for a single attribute name separated by the vertical pipe (“|”) character. |
Attributes_To_Show=Access_Type |
Exceptions |
An indication of some difference between the usage that was requested and the usage that is being presented in the report. The format for the exception values is “{Exception Code}: {Exception Message} ({Data})” with multiple exception values separated by semicolon-space (“; ”). The Exception Code and Exception Message MUST match values provided in Table D.1 of Appendix D. For some exceptions further information MUST be provided in the Data element as indicated in Table D.1, otherwise the Data is optional. Note that for tabular reports usually only the limited set of exceptions which indicate that usage is not, not yet or no longer available will occur. |
3031: Usage Not Ready for Requested Dates (request was for 2024-01-01 to 2024-12-31; however, usage is only available to 2024-08-31) |
Reporting_Period |
The date range for the usage represented in the report, in the form of: “Begin_Date=yyyy-mm-dd; End_Date=yyyy-mm-dd”. |
Begin_Date=2024-01-01; End_Date=2024-08-31 |
Created |
The date and time the usage was prepared, in RFC3339 date-time format (yyyy-mm-ddThh:mm:ssZ). |
2024-10-11T14:37:15Z |
Created_By |
The name of the organization or system that created the COUNTER report. |
EBSCO Information Services |
Registry_Record |
The link to the platform’s COUNTER Registry record. Report providers who do not have a Registry record MUST leave the value blank. Where a COUNTER Report is downloaded that includes usage data for multiple platforms in the COUNTER Registry, the Registry link should be to the Usage Data Host. |
https://registry.countermetrics.org/platform/b2b2736c-2cb9-48ec-91f4-870336acfb1c (platform) |
(blank row) |
Row 14 MUST be blank. |
3.2.2 Report Body
Figures 3.b and 3.c (above) show the body of the COUNTER reports containing an extensive array of data elements. Not all COUNTER Reports and Standard Views of COUNTER Reports will include all elements. When formatting a report, maintain the order of elements described below, but only include those elements relevant to that report. Where practical, the discussion below will provide guidance as to which reports an element may be included in. See Section 4 below for an extensive mapping of elements to reports.
Report Item Description
Every COUNTER report will have columns that describe its report items.
Table 3.g (below): Elements that Describe the Report Item
Element Name |
Description |
Reports |
Examples |
Database |
Name of database for which usage is being reported. Applies only to Database Reports. |
DR |
Title |
Name of the book or journal for which usage is being reported. Applies only to Title Reports. |
TR |
Journal of Economics |
Item |
Name of the article, book chapter, multimedia work, or repository item for which usage is being reported. Applies only to Item Reports. |
IR |
CRISPR gene-editing tested in a person for the first time |
Publisher |
Name of the publisher of the content item. Note that when the content item is a database, the publisher would be the organization that creates that database. |
DR, TR, IR |
Taylor & Francis |
Publisher_ID |
A unique identifier for the publisher, in tabular reports in the form of {namespace}:{value}. When multiple identifiers are available for a given publisher, include all identifiers separated with semicolon-space (“; ”), but only one value per namespace. In JSON reports multiple values per namespace can be included. Permitted identifier namespaces are ISNI, ROR and, for local identifiers assigned by the report provider, the platform ID of the report provider. |
DR, TR, IR |
ISNI:1234123412341234; ROR:012a3bc45; ebscohost:PubX |
For Database the value MUST NOT be empty. For Title, Item and Publisher the value SHOULD NOT be empty, and if the value for Title or Item is empty at least one DOI, ISBN, Online_ISSN, Print_ISSN, Proprietary_ID or URI MUST be provided so that the report item can be identified. Note that report providers are expected to make all reasonable efforts to provide this information and that using an empty value may affect the result of an audit (see Section 3.3.9).
The next column in the report identifies the platform where the activity happened.
Table 3.h (below): Elements that Identify the Platform
Element Name |
Description |
Reports |
Examples |
Platform |
Identifies the platform/content host where the activity took place. Note that in cases where individual titles or groups of content have their own branded user experience but reside on a common host, the identity of the underlying common host MUST be used as the Platform. |
All COUNTER Reports and Standard Views of COUNTER Reports |
EBSCOhost |
Report Item Identifiers
The item being reported on is further identified by the columns to the right of the platform.
Table 3.i (below): Elements for Report Item Identifiers
Element Name |
Description |
Reports |
Examples |
Authors |
Authors of the work for which usage is being reported, in tabular reports in the format {author name} ({author identifier}) with one OPTIONAL author identifier in the format {namespace}:{value}. Permitted identifier namespaces are ISNI and ORCID. A maximum of three authors should be included, in tabular reports with multiple authors separated by semicolon-space (“; ”). |
IR |
John Smith (ORCID:0000-0001-2345-6789) |
Publication_Date |
Date of publication for the work in the format yyyy-mm-dd. |
IR |
2024-09-05 |
Article_Version |
ALPSP/NISO code indicating the version of the work as defined by NISO RP-8-2008, Journal Article Versions. |
IR |
VoR |
Digital Object Identifier for the item being reported on in the format {DOI prefix}/{DOI suffix}. |
TR, IR |
10.1629/uksg.434 |
Proprietary_ID |
A proprietary ID assigned by the report provider for the item being reported on. Format as {namespace}:{value} where the namespace is the platform ID of the host which assigned the proprietary identifier. |
DR, TR, IR |
publisherA:jnrlCode123 |
International Standard Book Number in the format ISBN-13 with hyphens. E-ISBN is the expected value, with print ISBNs provided only where E-ISBN is not available. |
TR, IR |
978-3-16-148410-0 |
Print_ISSN |
International Standard Serial Number assigned to the print instance of a serial publication in the format nnnn-nnn[nX]. |
TR, IR |
0953-1513 |
Online_ISSN |
International Standard Serial Number assigned to the online instance of a serial publication in the format nnnn-nnn[nX]. |
TR, IR |
2048-7754 |
Universal Resource Identifier, a valid URL or URN according to RFC 3986. |
TR, IR |
At least one DOI, ISBN, Online_ISSN, Print_ISSN, Proprietary_ID or URI SHOULD be provided for each report item. Note that only one value per identifier is permitted, unless specified otherwise.
Parent Item Description and Identifiers
When reporting usage on content items like articles and book chapters in an Item Report, it is often desirable to identify the item’s parent item, such as the journal or book it is part of. This next grouping of columns identifies the parents and is used by a small subset of reports. Note that if any parent information is included in an Item Report, the Parent_Data_Type MUST be specified.
Table 3.j (below): Elements that Describe a Parent Item
Element Name |
Description |
Reports |
Examples |
Parent_Title |
Title of the parent item. |
IR |
The Serials Librarian |
Parent_Authors |
Authors of the parent work. See the Authors element in Table 3.i for the format. |
IR |
Parent_Publication_Date |
Date of publication for the parent work in the format yyyy-mm-dd. |
IR |
Parent_Article_Version |
ALPSP/NISO code indicating the version of the parent work as defined by NISO RP-8-2008, Journal Article Versions. |
IR |
VoR |
Parent_Data_Type |
Identifies the nature of the parent. |
IR |
Journal |
Parent_DOI |
DOI assigned to the parent item in the format {DOI prefix}/{DOI suffix}. |
IR |
Parent_Proprietary_ID |
A proprietary ID that identifies the parent item. Format as {namespace}:{value} where the namespace is the platform ID of the host which assigned the proprietary identifier. |
IR |
TandF:wser20 |
Parent_ISBN |
ISBN of the parent item in the format ISBN-13 with hyphens. E-ISBN is the expected value, with print ISBNs provided only where E-ISBN is not available. |
IR |
Parent_Print_ISSN |
Print ISSN assigned to the parent item in the format nnnn-nnn[nX]. |
IR |
0361-526X |
Parent_Online_ISSN |
Online ISSN assigned to the parent item in the format nnnn-nnn[nX]. |
IR |
1541-1095 |
Parent_URI |
URI (valid URL or URN according to RFC 3986) for the parent item. |
IR |
https://www.tandfonline.com/action/journalInformation?journalCode=wser20 |
At least one DOI, ISBN, Online_ISSN, Print_ISSN, Proprietary_ID or URL MUST be included if parent information is provided for a report item. Note that only one value per identifier is permitted, unless specified otherwise.
Component Item Description and Identifiers
Repositories often store multiple components for a given repository item. These components could take the form of multiple files or datasets, which can be identified and usage reported on separately in Item Reports. Note that reporting on component usage is optional. For report providers who elect to do so, the component usage may only be reported for Total_Item_Investigations and Total_Item_Request. For other Metric_Types the usage cannot be broken down by component and the corresponding cells MUST be empty.
Note that delivering Components within an Item Report is optional.
Table 3.k (below): Elements that Describe a Component Item
Element Name |
Description |
Reports |
Examples |
Component_Title |
Name or title of the component item. |
IR |
Research Data Plan |
Component_Authors |
Authors of the component item. See the Authors element in Table 3.i for the format. |
IR |
John Smith (ORCID:0000-0001-2345-6789) |
Component_Publication_Date |
Date of publication for the component item in the format yyyy-mm-dd. |
IR |
2022-09-05 |
Component_Data_Type |
Data type of the component item. |
IR |
Other |
Component_DOI |
DOI assigned to the component item in the format {DOI prefix}/{DOI suffix}. |
IR |
Component_Proprietary_ID |
A proprietary ID assigned by the repository to uniquely identify the component. Format as {namespace}:{value} where the namespace is the platform ID of the repository which assigned the proprietary identifier. |
IR |
repositorya:plan126 |
Component_ISBN |
ISBN that is assigned to the component item in the format ISBN-13 with hyphens. E-ISBN is the expected value, with print ISBNs provided only where E-ISBN is not available. |
IR |
Component_Print_ISSN |
Print ISSN that is assigned to the component item in the format nnnn-nnn[nX]. |
IR |
Component_Online_ISSN |
Online ISSN that is assigned to the component item in the format nnnn-nnn[nX]. |
IR |
Component_URI |
URI (valid URL or URN according to RFC 3986) assigned to the component item. |
IR |
At least one DOI, ISBN, Online_ISSN, Print_ISSN, Proprietary_ID or URI per component MUST be included if component information is provided for a report item. Note that only one value per identifier is permitted, unless specified otherwise.
Item and Report Attributes
Table 3.l (below): Elements for Item and Report Attributes
Element Name |
Description |
Reports |
Examples |
Data_Type |
Nature of the content that was used. See Section 3.3.2 for more detail. |
PR, DR, TR, IR |
Book |
Year of publication for the item being reported on. See Section 3.3.6 for more detail. |
TR, IR |
1997 |
Access_Type |
See Section 3.3.4 for more detail. |
TR, IR |
Controlled |
Access_Method |
See Section 3.3.5 for more detail. |
PR, DR, TR, IR |
Regular |
If one of the elements is included in a report, either because it is mandatory for a COUNTER Report (as specified in Section 4) or it is called for by the report consumer, a permissible value MUST be specified for each report item.
Metric Type
Table 3.m (below): Report Element for Metric_Type
Element Name |
Description |
Reports |
Examples |
Metric_Type |
The type of activity that is being counted. See Section 3.3.3 for more detail. |
All COUNTER Reports and Standard Views of COUNTER Reports |
Total_Item_Investigations |
Usage Data
Table 3.n (below): Elements for Usage Data
Element Name |
Description |
Reports |
Examples |
Reporting_Period_Total |
Total of usage in this row for all months covered. Note that this element does NOT appear in the JSON reports, instead the JSON format offers a Granularity report attribute (see Section 3.3.7 for details). |
All COUNTER Reports and Standard Views of COUNTER Reports |
123456 |
Mmm-yyyy |
A series of columns with usage for each month covered by the report. The format is Mmm-yyyy. Note: In the JSON format this is represented by the Counts element with the months in yyyy-mm format. |
All COUNTER Reports and Standard Views of COUNTER Reports |
May-2024 |