9.5 Application for inclusion in the COUNTER Registry

The Registry of report providers and their platforms for which COUNTER-compliant usage reports are available is maintained by COUNTER and publicly available at Registry.

Report providers may apply to the Executive Director (code@countermetrics.org) for their products to be included on the Registry. Report providers will have to provide proof of initial compliance by including the results of COUNTER Validation Tool tests showing compliance for each reports, including testing both the upload of the tabular reports and COUNTER API (formerly sushi) harvesting of the same reports. Upon receipt of the application and proof of compliance, report providers MUST allow at least one large report consumer (e.g. JUSP) to evaluate their usage reports.

When the reports are deemed to comply with the COUNTER Code of Practice, the report provider will be asked to sign a Declaration of COUNTER Compliance (Appendix C), to be sent to the Executive Director, after which the report provider and its platforms will be added to the Registry. These report providers may then use the designation “COUNTER Compliance Pending”.

An audit report confirming that the usage reports and data are indeed COUNTER-compliant is REQUIRED within six months of inclusion in the Registry.

Report providers who have not applied for compliance or whose compliance has lapsed MUST NOT claim or imply COUNTER compliance on their site, in licenses, or in their marketing and do not have the rights to use the COUNTER name or logo.

Note that report providers SHOULD be members of COUNTER Metrics in order to be included in the Registry without charge. Non-members are charged £500 per platform, per year for inclusion in the Registry.