10.1 Including COUNTER in License Agreements
To encourage widespread implementation of the COUNTER Code of Practice, report consumers are urged to include the following clause(s) in their license agreements with report providers:
10.1.1 For Licensed Content
‘The licensor confirms to the licensee that usage statistics covering the online usage of the products covered by this license will be provided. The licensor further confirms that such usage statistics will adhere to the specifications of the COUNTER Code of Practice, including data elements collected and their definitions; data processing guidelines; usage report content, format, frequency and delivery method’.
10.1.2 For Open Access Content
‘The licensor confirms to the licensee that usage statistics covering the total online usage of open access materials provided by the licensor will be provided. The licensor further confirms that such usage statistics will adhere to the Global Item Report specifications of the COUNTER Code of Practice, including data elements collected and their definitions; data processing guidelines; usage report content, format, frequency and delivery method’.